Marine Conservation Programs

Nusa Penida

Blue Corner Dive Nusa Penida is excited to offer Conservation Diver certification courses. These courses aim to increase the capacity and skillsets of local managers and divers around the globe to empower a new generation of action oriented conservationists. Through training courses we are giving people from many different backgrounds the knowledge to initiate action, and through our networks helping those who want to make a difference join up and realize their goals.

Conservation Diver Courses

Conservation Diver courses are a great way to participate in marine science and data collection with our in-house marine biologists. Blue Corner offers a week-long (6 day) Ecological Monitoring Program as well as shorter 1-2 day courses. If you enroll in our EMP program then additional courses will be 5% off.

Ecological Monitoring Program (6-days) - IDR 9.600.000

Single Day Conservation Diver Courses - IDR 2.500.000

Two-Day Conservation Diver Courses - IDR 4.900.000

  • The Ecological Monitoring program is designed to give students an introduction to coral reef ecology and how to view the reef scientifically by assessing key biotic and abiotic reef components. The course teaches students how to use real world scientific sampling and reef survey techniques and certifies them to conduct their own surveys and report data back to the online database. Parameters assessed include fish and invertebrate abundance and biodiversity, substrate cover, coral taxonomy, coral diseases, coral bleaching, and more. This course is a prerequisite for many of the other courses offered by Conservation Diver

  • All 7 species of sea turtle on the planet today are on the endangered species list, with populations of some reduced by 98%. Divers form a network that is integral in the identification and monitoring of sea turtle populations around the globe. In this course, participants will learn about the ecology of sea turtles, threats to health, and multiple techniques used by professionals around the globe to track and ID individuals in their area and contribute to conservation efforts.


  • Nudibranchs, and other sea slugs, are a diverse and fascinating group of marine gastropods that have developed very colorful and ornate forms. Apart from being a favorite sighting by divers and photographers, their biodiversity is an indicator of total reef diversity, and also can be used when assessing changes in the physical or biological composition of marine areas in the face of disturbances. In our course you will learn about the ecology and taxonomy of sea slugs, and about how to conduct scientific surveys to monitor their abundance and diversity.

Manta Ray Conservation

Manta Rays are fascinating gentle giants, and the resident population of reef manta rays of Nusa Penida attract divers from all over the world!

Learn about the different manta ray species, their monitoring, and conservation around the Nusa Penida Marine Park.  Better understand the threats and opportunities for these beautiful animals.

Join our marine biologists for a 1 or 2 day program learning about and monitoring manta rays. Participants in this program receive a Manta Conservation Diver certification.

Program Prerequisites

  • Certified Diver

  • Be at least 12 years.

  • Interest in marine conservation

This course is weather dependant, as access to Manta Point divesite requires the waves to be less than 1.5m for safety.


  • 2 Dives over 1 day. IDR 2.500.000

  • 4 Dives over 2 days. IDR 3.900.000

Coral Restoration

Blue Corner Marine Research set up the longest running and largest coral restoration project in the Nusa Islands. This project started to repair an area of degraded reef, and has now expanded along the Nusa Penida shoreline using several techniques. The project also acts as a training site for students and practitioners to study coral restoration methods which can be applied world-wide.

Divers can join our marine biologists on 1 or 2 day experiences to assist with coral restoration efforts. This Introduction to coral restoration allows divers to take part in our active restoration site by transplanting corals.

The program starts with a classroom session on coral restoration and a summary of techniques used. Followed by dives at our restoration site in Nusa Penida - harvesting fragments from our coral nursery & transplanting them upon modular reef structures.


  • 1-day: IDR 2.500.000

  • 2-day: IDR 3.900.000